Killeen Personal Injury Lawyers

Did you suffer a personal injury in a Killeen accident due to the wrong actions of another? If so, you deserve compensation and justice for your harm and losses. Fortunately, with an experienced Killeen personal injury attorney, like those at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, you will not have to take on this complex legal fight on your own. Instead, this team can take on this legal battle for you while you focus on what matters most—your healing and recovery.

We are a national law firm based in Texas with multiple offices around the country. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Personal Injury Guide

Stewart J Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers

Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, was founded by attorney Stewart J. Guss, who has made it his mission to put the “Client First.” To do this, Stewart J. Guss has built a team of lawyers and legal staff that will do whatever they can to obtain the best possible result for their clients.

Today, his legal team focuses on a wide variety of personal injury matters, including the more severe and complicated catastrophic claims, while providing each client with the personalized attention they need.

The firm is also known for many national achievements, including a perfect 10.0 rating on Avvo and Thomson Reuters, designating Stewart a Texas Super Lawyer since 2017. The National Association of Distinguished Counsel and the National Trial Lawyers Association also recognized Stewart. Yet, more importantly, the law firm also has a 20-year track record of pursuing successful recoveries for its clients and, since its founding, has obtained millions of dollars on their behalf.

If an accident in Killeen injured you, our legal team can meet with you in person at one of our numerous locations located all over Texas or virtually. We offer free initial consultations, and we are here to provide you with the legal help you need to go after the financial compensation you deserve.

Common Personal Injury Accidents in Killeen

If you sustained harm or property damage due to another individual's wrongful actions, you may file a personal injury claim and go after the financial recovery you deserve.

Yet, even though these claims can include several different accidents, in Killeen, they frequently include:

  • Car accidents
  • Trucking collisions
  • Rideshare accidents
  • Product liability accidents
  • Premises liability accidents
  • Wrongful death
  • Burn injury accidents

If you suffered harm in an accident due to the negligent or reckless actions of another (even if the accident is not indicated on the list above), reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, our skilled legal team can review your accident, determine if you have a valid legal claim, and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Common Types of Injuries Resulting From a Killeen Personal Injury Accident

A personal injury accident can result in:

  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Internal injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Extensive lacerations and burns
  • Facial trauma
  • Death

What You Need to Know About Personal Injury Accidents in Killeen

Although a personal injury accident can occur anywhere, in Killeen, they tend to occur in certain places more frequently than others.

For instance, the areas that experience the highest number of motor vehicle accidents in Killeen include:

  • The intersection of Central Texas Expressway and Stan Schlueter Loop, which is considered the most dangerous interaction in the city, and
  • The intersection of Bacon Ranch and Trimmier Road

In addition, Stagecoach Road, a major roadway in South Killeen, has been crumbling. Outside of an occasional pothole repair, the road has not seen any significant improvements in some time. As a result, the road has been a dangerous mess for some time and has caused several accidents.

Fortunately, Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, has experience handling personal injury accidents in this area and the surrounding communities and can help individuals from these locations take on these cases and provide them with the personalized legal support they need.

Statute of Limitations Following a Personal Injury Accident in Killeen

Getting medical treatment is often a top priority after a personal injury accident. However, it is still important to realize that your time to file a lawsuit and obtain compensation for your harm and injuries is limited.

In Killeen, for instance, the statute of limitations, which is a law that dictates how much time you have to file a legal case following an alleged offense, is only two years from the date of the incident. Yet, exceptions can apply to this rule. For these reasons, following an accident in Killeen, reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

These legal professionals can verify how much time you have to file your case following your accident and help ensure that your legal motions and files are prepared correctly and submitted to the court before this time runs out.

Financial Damages Can You Pursue Following a Killeen Personal Injury Accident

Personal Injury Lawyer

Numerous factors can affect the compensation you receive following a personal injury accident, including the severity of your injuries, the evidence presented, and even the defendant's culpability. However, while these factors prevent an attorney from telling you exactly how much money you can obtain following the accident, they do not stop these legal professionals from fighting for the damages you deserve.

For example, following a personal injury accident in Killeen, you may recover these financial damages:

Economic Damages

These damages refer to payment for the quantifiable losses that result from an accident.

They include losses from:

  • Past and present medical bills related to surgeries, doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency services, medications, and other medical treatments
  • Ongoing medical care
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Personal property damage, including repair and replacement costs
  • Expenses related to domestic replacement services
  • Additional costs related to the accident

Non-Economic Damages

These damages refer to payment for the subjective losses that result from an accident.

They include:

  • Pain
  • Suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Inconvenience due to the injuries incurred
  • Humiliation
  • Reputation loss
  • Limb loss

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney, like those from Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, can help you figure out which of these damages you can pursue and assist you as you go after the maximum compensation you need.

Do Not Trust the Insurance Company

Although many people think the insurance company will want to help you get the money you need after an accident, this is not how these companies work. Like other businesses, these companies have one main priority: getting the most money and protecting their interests. As a result, after an accident, these insurers and their adjusters will try to do anything to get you to admit fault or find something that can hurt your case.

For these reasons, following a Killeen personal injury accident, you should reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible, so you do not say anything to hurt your case. We can stop the insurance company's deceitful practices. We can take over settlement discussions and go after the monetary damages you need.

What Actions Should You Take After a Personal Injury Accident in Killeen?

After an accident, gathering evidence and talking to witnesses may not be on your mind. However, you must understand that the things you do after these accidents can not only protect your health and safety but your legal rights. That is why after a Killeen personal injury accident, you should consider doing the following:

Contact the Authorities

Call 911 immediately after your accident and let the authorities know about your accident and the injuries you sustained. This is the fastest way to get emergency medical personnel to the scene and get your accident on record. After the police arrive and perform their investigation, they can write down their findings in their police report. If you decide to pursue a legal claim, this police report can provide your attorney with valuable information to help them go after the justice you are entitled to.

Gather Evidence

If you can, collect as much evidence from the accident scene as possible.

This should include photos and videos of:

  • Your visible trauma
  • The vehicles involved in the accident
  • The damage to these vehicles and their placement on the road
  • Hazardous conditions that contributed to the accident, and
  • Any other evidence that can help show what happened

Speak to Witnesses

If other people saw the accident, get their personal information, including their names and contact details. These individuals can provide your attorney with helpful information regarding what happened and offer valuable testimony that can help substantiate your claim.

Yet, as you talk to these people, avoid making definitive comments about what transpired, taking the blame for anything that happened, or apologizing. The other side can use these statements to hurt your case and reduce the amount of money you receive.

Bring the Evidence to an Attorney

After the accident, once you get the medical treatment you need, you want to take all your bills and expenses related to this medical treatment and your medical report to your attorney. This report can provide your attorney with evidence of the extent of your damages and help show a direct connection between the harm you endured and the personal injury accident.

Give your attorney a copy of the police report and any photos and videos you took. In addition, try to keep up with your treatment plan. Otherwise, the other side can use this against you and argue that your injuries are not that serious. Fortunately, once you provide your attorney with these documents, they can use them to prepare a solid legal case and go after the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Killeen Personal Injury Accident Lawyer Today

If you suffered extensive injuries in a Killeen personal injury accident due to another person’s wrongful actions, you should not have to fight for the money you need by yourself. Thankfully, with an experienced personal injury attorney, like those at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, on your side, you will not have to go after this compensation alone.

Instead, when you contact us, we can discuss your accident with you in detail, determine if you have a valid legal claim, and help you figure out your legal options. We can thoroughly investigate your accident and gather the evidence necessary to prove fault and damages. In addition, these legal professionals can hire experts that can validate your claims, such as accident reconstructionists, doctors, and financial specialists.

Stewart J. Guss, Car Accident Attorney
Stewart J. Guss, Killeen Personal Injury Attorney

Finally, these attorneys can handle all the negotiations with the other side and fight for a fair settlement. If the other side is unwilling to provide you with a just amount, these attorneys can take your case to trial and fight for the successful resolution of your claim.

Our Stewart J. Guss Injury Accident Lawyers team is ready to take your call right now. We are nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If an accident injured you or a family member in Killeen, contact our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here to find out how our legal team can help you.