Abilene Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents in Abilene are a significant problem, and the numbers are increasing. Whether a truck hits your car on Interstate 20 or in an intersection crash at Buffalo Gap Road and Clack Street, you can suffer serious injuries, property damages, and other losses.

Car accidents can be traumatizing events that can physically and mentally affect you moving forward. At the law firm of Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law, our Abilene car accident lawyers want to serve you and fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve from the parties responsible for your crash. Reach out today for a consultation about your case. Case evaluations are always free with no obligation, so you have nothing to lose by learning about your rights.

We are a national law firm based in Texas with multiple offices around the country. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Car Accident Guide

Car accident statistics

In a recent year, the Abilene area saw:

  • 3,097 reported traffic crashes
  • 535 injuries to motorists
  • 65 serious injuries to motorists
  • 19 fatalities in crashes

Accidents can happen when you drive across the state, commute to work, or run a quick errand in your neighborhood. You might be driving safely, but another driver slams into your vehicle and turns your life upside-down.

It is alarming that even with safer technologies installed in vehicles and awareness campaigns regarding safe driving, car accidents have increased in recent years. Some possible reasons for the rise in car accidents include more dangerous behaviors by drivers, including distracted driving, failing to obey traffic laws, aggressive driving, intoxicated driving, and more.

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is responsible for far too many car accidents. Drivers are prone to becoming more distracted by using a cell phone, GPS, or even eating food in the car. If the driver has been traveling for a long time, they are more likely to become distracted on the road. While everyone might get momentarily distracted at some point, many drivers choose to text or engage in other hazardous and distracting behaviors, often causing preventable crashes and injuries.

Failing to obey traffic laws

When you obtain a driver’s license, you agree to follow the rules of the road, including all Texas traffic laws. Unfortunately, many drivers only comply with the law when they believe police officers might be watching. Otherwise, drivers might openly speed, fail to signal, or make dangerous lane changes, putting others in danger.

Aggressive driving

Many aggressive driving behaviors cause serious car accidents. Drivers can follow too closely behind another vehicle, cut another driver off abruptly, or speed at a dangerous rate. These actions can lead to accidents or intentional road rage crashes.

Driving under the influence

The number of drivers operating vehicles under the influence has increased with the rise of alcohol and drug use during the pandemic. Drivers who are under the influence have issues making safe judgments while driving and reacting to any traffic changes in a safe manner. While intoxicated driving is strictly against the law, drivers continue to ignore the law and cause severe and life-changing drunk driving accidents.

Injuries from car accidents

Car accident injuries vary widely. Some people walk away with a few scratches, and others will never be the same again. Some people might need ambulance transportation, while others can drive themselves to the emergency room from the accident scene.

Common injuries can include:

  • Fractures
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Burns

Always seek medical treatment following a crash if you feel anything unusual. Never try to tough it out if you feel soreness, disorientation, or pain following a collision. You might have injuries you do not notice right away, as symptoms can worsen over time.

The sooner you seek medical attention, the better. You can develop medical records to prove your diagnosis and treatment recommendations. This helps your physical condition, as well as your car accident claim.

Abilene Car accident claims

Abilene Car Injury Lawyer

One way to seek compensation for your car accident is by filing a claim with the other driver's insurance company. Drivers must have auto insurance in Texas to cover the losses of accident victims due to the driver's fault. However, filing a claim and getting the compensation you deserve are two very different things.

Insurance companies are businesses, so they try to minimize payments on claims whenever possible. An insurer might make a settlement offer, but these companies are notorious for lowballing claimants. The compensation offered is insulting and does not even cover your total compensation. The insurer hopes you accept the offer and close your case before seeking legal help and learning how much you really deserve.

When you accept an insufficient settlement, you lose so much only to receive so little. You forfeit your rights to pursue legal action against the other driver in the future for essentially chump change. Even if your injuries worsen, you will recover no more than the compensation you accept. You cannot pursue additional compensation should your injuries become worse.

Before you accept any settlement offer - or even speak with insurance companies - you need representation from an Abilene car accident attorney. We can prevent you from taking less than you deserve and giving up your rights to future compensation.

How an Abilene car accident lawyer can help

After being involved in a car accident, make healing your primary concern. There is much on your mind regarding your injuries and how you will move on from the accident. You do not want to stress yourself more by thinking about the tricks the insurance company will use to deny your claim or how to seek proper compensation. Seeking the help of an Abilene car accident lawyer can help make your fight for compensation easier in many ways.

Bringing a client-first approach to your case

What separates our Abilene car accident lawyers from the rest is that we put our clients’ needs first. Many clients pay an attorney to represent them and rarely speak with their lawyer until it is time to settle with insurance companies or go to trial. Our car accident lawyers make a conscious choice to remain in communication with you and share the best strategy possible to receive the maximum compensation you deserve.

Investigating your accident

Another way that our Abilene car accident lawyers can help your case is by providing a thorough investigation of your accident. One of the most critical aspects of your claim is how well you can prove the other driver’s liability. Our car accident lawyers have substantial experience gathering the proper evidence to add credibility to your case.

We know how to establish the other driver’s fault for your injuries. An experienced car accident lawyer knows how to prove the four elements of negligence against the other driver, which is necessary for a successful claim.

Our experienced car accident lawyers also know how to counteract the insurance company’s claims that you played a role in causing your accident. Your lawyer can use the testimony of several witnesses, photo evidence, and copies of documents that prove the other driver acted negligently toward you.

Handle the insurance company’s tricks

Whether you decide to reach a settlement or progress to trial, you can expect the insurance company to pull certain tricks against you. With an experienced car accident lawyer on your side, you have someone who can stop the insurance adjusters in their tracks.

Car accident lawyers know the different insurance policies that should cover your compensation and can negotiate with insurance companies for the appropriate level of compensation. If insurance companies try to request additional information from you, you can refer the insurance company to your car accident lawyer, and they can handle all of the company’s “concerns.”

We prevent insurance companies from taking advantage of car accident victims by challenging their injuries or using other devastating tactics. You will not have to communicate with adjusters once we are on your case.

Negotiate for more compensation

If the insurance company offers you a settlement that you consider too low, your car accident lawyer can negotiate for the compensation you deserve. Many car accident victims may not know that they do not have to accept a settlement offer from the insurance company just because the company offered it.

You have the right to go back and forth with the insurance company about your fair and just compensation. While you may feel a little nervous about negotiating with insurance companies, your car accident lawyer can use their negotiation skills to advocate for you. An experienced car accident lawyer knows how to refute the insurance company’s arguments using the proper evidence and support the compensation you deserve.

Providing litigation representation

Your Abilene car accident lawyer can also provide the best legal representation for you should your claim proceed to trial. A skilled car accident lawyer can prepare you for the various steps of your trial. You may be required to perform in a deposition requested by the defendant’s lawyer. There may also be a point where you have to take the stand, which can seem overwhelming for many victims. Your car accident lawyer can help you best prepare for each of these steps and help you feel more confident about engaging in these actions.

Abilene Car Accident FAQs

What affects the worth of my claim?

While all car accident claims are of different worth, specific characteristics will determine the worth of your claim:

  • How severe were your injuries? You may not physically recover from catastrophic injuries, so you may seek more compensation for them.
  • How well can you prove the liability of the other party? Your ability to prove the liability of the other driver is very crucial. If very little evidence can prove the other driver’s liability, the worth of your claim can decrease.

Our attorneys know how to calculate the damages you deserve, and we do everything possible to obtain total compensation for you.

Can I file a car accident for a fender bender?

Absolutely. Whether the car accident resulted in minor damage does not matter. You can still feel significant pain and injuries from your accident, even if it seems minor. Even fender benders can cause you to experience severe back pain or whiplash. In addition to the injuries, you may have to pay for significant property damage and cover other losses.

How long do I have to file my claim?

Every car accident victim must file their claim within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the deadline the court grants you to file a lawsuit against the negligent party of your accident. Missing this statute of limitations will prevent you from pursuing compensation from the negligent party in the future. The courts will throw your claim out as soon as they discover it was past the statute of limitations. For Abilene car accident claims, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of the accident.

What types of damages can I recover from my car accident claim?

In your car accident claim, you have the right to pursue compensation for damages like your medical expenses, the wages you missed out on due to your accident, the property damage sustained by your vehicle, and the pain and suffering that your accident caused you.

Speak to a skilled Abilene car accident lawyer today

Abilene personal injury lawyer
Abilene Car Accident Lawyer, Stewart J. Guss

At the office of Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law, we strive to be of optimal service to each of our clients. Allow our Abilene car accident lawyers to help you fight for the compensation that you deserve from your accident.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If an Abilene car accident injured you, call our Abilene office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here. We can set up your free consultation to begin assessing your legal options.