College Station Car Accident Lawyers

Many cities within the United States have seen an increase in car accidents, and College Station, Texas, is no different. With so many Texas A&M students flooding the area and other residents and visitors, traffic is common - and so are car accidents.

You might not know where to turn if you suffered injuries in a car crash in the College Station area. You might have medical bills and other losses piling up, as well as the overall impact your injuries have on your life. Injuries can derail your educational or professional future in many costly ways, and the party responsible for causing your crash should also be responsible for compensating you for your losses.

You are not alone after a collision, as the College Station car accident attorneys from Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, are here to help. We represent the rights of accident and injury victims throughout Texas and beyond, and we can assess your best legal options.

Reach out to our firm for a free case evaluation today to learn more about our legal team and how we assist injury victims.

We are a national law firm based in Texas with multiple offices around the country. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Car Accident Guide

How a College Station car accident lawyer can help with a personal injury claim

When you suffer a severe injury from a car accident, your primary focus will be on healing. You do not want to strain yourself, worrying physically and mentally about the tricks that insurance companies will use to deny your claims. You want to ensure you have the best chance of receiving the maximum compensation for your lawsuit.

A College Station car accident lawyer can relieve this stress by taking the lead on your car accident case. Our car accident lawyers can bring many benefits to your situation, including the following.

Putting our clients first from beginning to end

Our car accident lawyers always put your concerns at the forefront of your case. Many car accident lawyers do not take the time to put their client’s needs before their own. If it makes sense to settle instead of going to trial, some car accident lawyers will choose the easy option instead of what is best for you.

Our College Station car accident lawyers go above and beyond to serve our clients and consider every option that will benefit them. We are proud to maintain our client-first approach in every case.

Determining the liable parties for your accident

Our car accident lawyers can also help you determine all of the liable parties in your accident. You may need additional information before holding all liable parties responsible for your injuries. You also have to file each claim against the responsible parties properly and within the statute of limitations. Our legal team can help you determine who you should file a claim against and pursue the appropriate legal action for your situation.

Conducting a thorough investigation of your accident

You need a personal injury lawyer who can assist with investigating the facts of your accident. To determine liability, damages, and build the strongest case possible, your lawyer will need to gather evidence to build credibility. This evidence might consist of copies of your medical records, police reports, witness statements, photos of your injuries, and video or photos of the car accident scene. In addition to this evidence, car accident lawyers can contact accident reconstruction experts who can add more credibility to your accident.

Negotiating with insurance companies

As unfortunate as it is, you will need to refute every argument that insurance companies will make against you before they concede and reward you with your fair compensation. A College Station car accident lawyer is familiar with every argument the insurance company will make and knows how to challenge false assertions by insurers.

Your car accident lawyer can also negotiate on your behalf for the appropriate compensation you need for your injuries. Even if insurance companies agree to come to a settlement, they are infamous for throwing lowball offers and hoping that you will accept them out of desperation. You need a lawyer who can assess the adequacy of an offer and fight for more when necessary.

You need a lawyer who can design the best legal strategy to lead to success in your case. Your car accident lawyer can determine whether it is better for you to settle or to take your car accident lawsuit to trial. If you decide to take your case to trial, we can efficiently prepare you for each step you participate in during litigation.

In many cases, the insurance company may choose to meet your demands and settle instead of allowing your case to progress to trial. Having our team ready to battle in court can provide an advantage in settlement negotiations with insurance companies.

Car accidents cause serious injuries

The force of a car accident can put your body through the wringer. While some fortunate people walk away, others leave the accident scene in an ambulance due to severe injuries.

In a recent year, the College Station area saw:

  • 2,789 reported traffic crashes
  • 769 injuries from crashes
  • 86 severe injuries to crash victims
  • 18 fatalities from traffic accidents

Even a seemingly minor injury can require extensive medical treatment to heal, and you should never underestimate your injuries following a crash.

Catastrophic injuries from car accidents

Car accidents can be so severe that you suffer catastrophic injuries. Catastrophic injuries leave victims with permanent disabilities or impairments, affecting the rest of their lives.

Some catastrophic injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision loss
  • Permanent nerve damage

You will have to deal with catastrophic injuries for the rest of your life, and the costs can be overwhelming. Putting a dollar amount on your losses from such devastating injuries can be challenging. Still, our attorneys regularly represent clients with these life-altering conditions from car crashes.

Damages from car accident injuries

The goal of a car accident claim is to seek compensation for all the damages you incurred, which can include:

  • Medical bills - Medical expenses begin to pile up right after the accident and can continue for months, years, or indefinitely. You might face bills for hospitalization, emergency treatment, diagnostics, surgeries, physical therapy, and much more. You can also have future anticipated expenses you will need to include in your claim.
  • Lost income - Injuries can keep you out of work while you recover or might prevent you from returning to your previous work. If you lose income or other benefits due to your injuries, including lost earnings in the future, you can seek compensation as part of your claim.
  • Non-economic losses - Not every loss involves a bill or financial cost. Many injuries have intangible effects that take a major toll on your life, and these are compensable losses. Non-economic losses include pain and suffering, mental trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, and permanent effects of your injuries.

Calculating your damages is a major component of your case, and you cannot rely on insurance companies to conduct accurate calculations for you.

Insurance companies have one goal - to minimize your payment. They will tell you that your claim is worth much less than it is, hoping you accept a lower settlement. Never trust insurance adjusters when they tell you how much your claim is worth. Instead, allow our car accident lawyers to calculate your past, future, and non-economic damages to ensure you seek the total compensation you deserve.

Establishing liability for your accident

If you suffered car accident injuries due to another driver's negligence, that driver is liable for your injuries and losses. Other parties might also be liable, including employers of on-the-job drivers, vehicle manufacturers, or others.

Once we determine who should be liable for your accident, we can prepare and file claims with all the necessary insurance companies. Whether your case involves one or more claims, it can still be a complex process.

Proving liability requires evidence of negligence, which might include:

Proving the insurance companies wrong

No matter who is liable for your accident, you must negotiate with their insurance companies to receive your compensation. The problem is that insurance companies will try all sorts of tactics to deny or reduce your car accident claim. Insurance companies want to avoid paying out as many claims as possible, and they do not want to award victims full compensation.

When you state your case to an insurance adjuster, expect them to challenge you.

They might:

  • Blame you for the accident
  • Challenge the severity of your injuries
  • Allege that your injury was a pre-existing condition

This can leave you frustrated and make it harder to obtain the compensation you know you need.

The good news is that you do not have to communicate with insurance companies when you have us on your side. We handle all communications and negotiations, and insurers know they cannot use the same tricks on our legal professionals as they try on accident victims.

College Station Car Accident FAQs

How do you calculate my pain and suffering?

Pain and suffering are substantial damages that you can seek compensation for after a car crash. Unlike medical expenses and lost wages, this type of damage is a little more complex to calculate, as it is intangible and subjective.

Car accident lawyers use different methods to accurately calculate pain and suffering damages. One possible method is the multiplier method, where we total all of your actual damages and multiply them by a number. Another method is the per diem method, where we can multiply a specific dollar amount, like a day's pay of work, by the number of days you have suffered an injury.

In either case, we know how to convince insurance companies that our pain and suffering calculations accurately reflect your losses. This is important as insurers regularly underestimate the pain and suffering of car accident victims.

How long does it take to resolve my car accident claim?

The timeline of your case depends on how you can resolve your claim. If an insurance company makes a fair settlement offer early in the process due to our legal representation, you can accept the offer and close the case relatively quickly. However, the insurance company can prolong a conclusion by refusing to offer a settlement that covers your losses. In such cases, we might need to pursue litigation, which can take longer.

Remain patient and allow your lawyer to do what it takes to obtain full compensation. It is better to receive higher payments after a longer time than rush to conclude your case and end up with much less than you deserve.

How much does a car accident lawyer cost?

Car accident lawyers receive payment on a contingency fee basis. A contingency fee basis means you do not have to pay your lawyers' fees until you receive compensation from your lawsuit. Your car accident lawyer will represent you without paying any upfront or ongoing attorneys' fees. When you receive compensation, the legal fees come from your settlement or award, so you never need money from your bank account to pay for our services.

Speak to an experienced College Station car accident lawyer today

College Station Car Accident Attorney, Stewart J. Guss

You deserve full compensation from the liable parties when you suffer severe injuries in a traffic crash. At the law office of Stewart J. Guss, Attorney at Law, our College Station car accident lawyers are ready to serve and help you obtain the financial recovery necessary for your losses.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If a car accident injures you in College Station, call our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here.

Consultations are always free with no obligation, so you should never wait to protect your rights.