Beaumont Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident in Beaumont, whether at the Phelan Boulevard and Dowlen Road intersection or along Interstate 10, can mean immense complications for your entire life. You have serious injuries, medical bills keep piling up, and you may have immense losses to your overall independence and capability.

Overall, car accident injuries can lead to catastrophic challenges. However, that does not mean that you have to face them alone. Our Beaumont car accident lawyers can help fight the insurance company that covers the liable driver who caused your car accident and provide you with a roadmap to navigate your claim.

We are a national law firm based in Texas with multiple offices around the country. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review and learn more about your right to compensation.

Car Accident Guide

Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers: Tireless Pursuit of Justice for Beaumont Car Accident Injury Victims

With more than 20 years of experience handling injury claims across Texas, Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers has the skills to help you maximize the results of your car accident claim. Our founder, Stewart J. Guss, was named “Texas Super Lawyer” five years in a row by Thomson Reuters and has a 10.0 score on Avvo. Furthermore, Stewart J. Guss was recognized by the Association of Distinguished Counsel and the National Trial Lawyers Association. When you need a qualified, experienced lawyer to help handle your claim, Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers can deliver.

Relentless Pursuit of Justice

Are you tired of dealing with roadblocks thrown in your way as you fight for the compensation you deserve after a Beaumont car accident?

Have you struggled to get recognition for your injuries and the compensation you reasonably deserve?

Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers will relentlessly pursue justice in your car accident case, helping you get the compensation you deserve for substantial car accident injuries.

Client-First Approach

All too often, after a car accident, it may feel as though your needs aren’t taken into consideration. The insurance company does not want to pay out the compensation you deserve. The liable driver wants to avoid having that wreck on their record. At the same time, you have substantial losses and need to pay for much-needed medical care.

When you work with Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, you can feel confident that we prioritize you as we manage the effects of your Beaumont car accident.

24/7 Availability

Car accidents can happen at any time, and while night driving accounts for one-fourth of all driving, 50 percent of car accident fatalities occur during these hours. Furthermore, we know that you may need to connect with us when the insurance company gets in touch with you or when you have questions about your claim, and that does not always happen during business hours.

You can contact your lawyer at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers whenever needed. We offer 24/7 availability to help ensure you have resources anytime.

Did you suffer injuries in a Beaumont car accident? Contact Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers today to discuss your right to compensation.

The Compensation You Should Expect After a Beaumont Car Accident

You need compensation for your car accident injuries to help you pay your medical bills and deal with the many financial challenges you navigate through the devastation of a car accident. At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we cannot guarantee the compensation you will recover as part of your car accident claim. We can calculate the compensation you deserve and help increase the odds of receiving a fair offer.

Car accident claims depend on a lot of different factors.

For example, you may find that the compensation you get for your car accident claim depends on:

  • Who caused the accident
  • Which insurance provider covers the liable driver and the amount of their policy coverage
  • Whether you have a lawyer dedicated to fighting to help you maximize your compensation
  • The extent of your injuries and damages you sustained in the accident

With a lawyer on your side, you can often get a more comprehensive look at the damages you’ve incurred. Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers will help provide you with those essential insights so that you can confidently review any insurer’s offer and determine if it is fair.

Compensation for Your Medical Costs

Your medical costs may top the list of expenses you face following your Beaumont car accident. While the Medical Center of Southeast Texas might offer comprehensive medical treatment, you may find that the costs add up fast. Talk to Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers to discuss the medical costs you already have paid and future medical costs you may encounter as you recover.

Compensation for Wage Losses

Did you lose significant income directly from your Beaumont car accident? Lost income can cause even more financial devastation than your rising bills. Talk to Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers about the full extent of your income losses, including the time you may have missed immediately after the accident and the time you may have missed because of follow-up appointments or additional procedures. Did your car accident injuries permanently prevent you from working? You may also have the right to claim compensation for lost earning potential.

Pain and Suffering

Most car accident claims will also include compensation for the non-financial damages accompanying your accident. Did your car accident injuries interfere with your independence? Prevent you from doing the activities you love? You may include compensation for those life changes when you file a car accident claim.

Beaumont Car Accidents: The Information You Need

Texas law states you must file a claim within two years from a car accident. Some exceptions exist to this statute of limitations, so consult Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers to learn more about whether you may still have grounds for a claim even if a considerable time has passed since the accident.

Causes of Beaumont Car Accidents

Beaumont car accidents can result from many potential challenges out on the roads.

  • Dangerous intersections and roads: Along NASA Parkway and I-45, accidents may occur more frequently due to higher-volume traffic and higher speeds, for example.
  • Distracted drivers: Drivers who focus on anything other than the road as they navigate.
  • Weather hazards: Beaumont sees an estimated 112 days of rain per year. On those rainy days, many drivers have a harder time driving safely.
  • Speeding: High rates of speed substantially raise accident potential and can prove devastating for drivers and those around them.

Common Beaumont Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries can take numerous forms, depending on how the accident occurs and the extent of the damage.

Common injuries include:

  • Head trauma and brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back and neck injuries, including herniated discs and muscle damage
  • Amputations
  • Burns
  • Broken bones
  • Severe lacerations

Fighting the Insurance Company After a Beaumont Car Accident

You suffered injuries in a car accident, and the other driver is clearly liable. You may feel that it should make your next steps easy. Unfortunately, it might not prove as easy as you hope to get the insurance company to provide the compensation you deserve for your accident injuries.

The insurance company may claim that you caused the accident or that your actions contributed to it. You may receive a low settlement offer that reflects only a small amount of the damages you sustained because of the car accident. You might have to fight the insurance company every step to get a reasonable settlement offer covering your losses.

At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we have considerable experience dealing with insurance companies of all sizes. We help our clients aggressively and relentlessly fight for the compensation they deserve, whether you take on insurance giants or local shops.

What to Do After a Beaumont Car Accident

When you have injuries from a Beaumont car accident, your medical needs may top your priorities after the initial accident. In many cases, you may struggle to determine what to do next to recover and protect your right to compensation.

Some steps that will help you prepare for your claim include:

  • Never deal with the insurance company alone. Instead, get in touch with a Beaumont car accident lawyer to get the comprehensive legal support you need.
  • Look over the accident report. Make sure that it contains no errors that could interfere with your claim.
  • Document your medical bills, including any co-pays or deductibles you paid for medical treatment for your injuries. With an accurate list of your medical costs, you can make it much easier to lay out the compensation you deserve.
  • Listen to your medical care provider and follow any instructions they give you. They may lay out specific treatments you may need to recover as fully as possible from your injuries, or they might instruct you to avoid certain activities during your recovery. Follow those instructions carefully to show your commitment to recovery.
  • Journal about your recovery and the losses you faced financially and emotionally.

If you have questions about handling your claim, Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers can provide that essential guidance.


Will a personal injury claim win mean that the liable driver has to pay my medical bills?

No. As the injured party, ultimately, you will have to pay your own medical expenses. However, you can use the funds from a personal injury claim to cover the cost of treatment for your injuries. You can also use your medical insurance. As the victim of a car accident, if you purchased personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, you can use it to cover the cost of medical treatments. Call us to ensure your PIP policy treats you fairly.

How does PIP insurance work in Texas, and how does it affect my car accident claim?

If you suffered injuries in a Texas car accident, your PIP insurance can cover the immediate cost of medical treatment after your car accident. Texas drivers may carry PIP coverage in addition to their liability coverage.

You will not include any costs paid by your PIP coverage as part of your Beaumont car accident claim. Instead, you will have the right to claim compensation for any medical expenses that exceed the protection offered by your PIP insurance. Talk to our lawyers to determine how your PIP coverage can affect how you seek compensation.

If the driver that caused my Beaumont car accident gets a ticket for speeding, does it make it easier to get compensation?

Sometimes, a traffic ticket can help establish that the other driver committed an act of negligence and that you should, as a result, have the right to recover compensation for injuries caused in that accident. However, you may still find yourself fighting with the insurance company to get the full compensation you deserve for those damages.

Contact Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers Today for Help with Your Beaumont Car Accident Claim

Stewart J. Guss, Car Accident Attorney
Stewart J. Guss, Beaumont Car Accident Attorney

If you suffered injuries in a Beaumont car accident, do not try to handle your claim on your own. Instead, let Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers take the reins for you.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If a car accident injured you in Beaumont, call our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our car accident cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here and learn more about your right to compensation and the steps you can take to obtain it.