Monroe Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Monroe, Louisiana, has fantastic views and scenic roads, making it an incredible place to ride your motorcycle. The Route 552 loop, for example, draws motorcycle riders from the surrounding area who enjoy the twisting country roads and amazing hills: the perfect experience for bikers. However, despite the apparent draw, motorcycle riders can face unexpected dangers out on the streets of Monroe due to the negligence of drivers around them. 

If a motorcycle accident injures you, you need a Monroe motorcycle accident lawyer to file an injury claim and pursue compensation. Contact Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys to discuss your right to compensation.

We are a national law firm based with multiple offices around the country, including Louisiana. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Monroe Motorcycle Accident Guide

Trust Guss To
Get You Results!



Why Choose Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys for Your Monroe, LA Motorcycle Accident Claim?

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we have handled injury claims nationwide for more than 20 years. Our experienced team of lawyers has a perfect 10.0 Avvo rating and has helped more than 50,000 clients recover the compensation they deserve for serious accidents. 

We Provide the Representation Your Story Deserves

When you have severe injuries from a motorcycle accident, you deserve the chance to tell your story and fight for fair compensation. At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we offer the representation you deserve, allowing you to tell more about your challenges and the compensation you deserve for your losses. 

We Help You Write a Success Story

A motorcycle accident can prove utterly devastating. You have a story to tell about your losses: the physical pain of your injuries, the mounting medical costs, and your inability to work or ride while you recover. At the same time, however, you have a success story coming: a story of the compensation you really deserve for those devastating injuries. Let Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys handle your motorcycle accident claim and help you get that story of success. 

Get Care No Matter Where You Are

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we represent clients across the country. We also have convenient Louisiana-based offices where you can meet with us in person. Whether you visited Louisiana and suffered a motorcycle accident there or live just down the street, we have the support you need to navigate your motorcycle accident claim.

Ready to get started? Schedule your consultation today at 800-898-4877

Recovering Compensation After a Monroe Motorcycle Accident

After a Monroe motorcycle accident, you may have a lot of expenses to deal with. Those expenses can add up fast, leaving you wondering about your financial future even as you struggle to recover from your injuries.

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we cannot guarantee the compensation you will recover as part of your motorcycle accident claim. However, we can help you look at the damages you can include as part of your claim, making it easier to calculate the compensation you may recover. We can also help look at the insurance policy that covers the liable driver to ensure you include all the elements of compensation you deserve. 

Medical Bills

Motorcycle accidents often involve substantial injuries and immense medical bills. Not only do you have to consider emergency care, including transportation to the hospital, but you may also spend a long time in the hospital or rehabilitation following your motorcycle accident. Furthermore, you may have to balance follow-up appointments, additional medical procedures, and physical and occupational therapy, as well as durable medical equipment to help aid in your independence and mobility.

Lost Income

Motorcycle accident injuries can keep you out of work longer than you might think, causing you to miss out on the income you need at a time when your bills can rise astronomically high.

Just how much time you have to miss at work may depend on where you work, what your job duties look like, and what policies your employer has regarding the return to work after a severe accident. Talk to your lawyer about the income you have lost because of your accident and how you can best include those losses in your claim.

Pain and Suffering

As part of your claim, you have the right to include compensation for the suffering you faced after your Monroe motorcycle accident.

Talk to your lawyer about your suffering:

  • The activities you had to miss out on.
  • The loss of independence.
  • The physical anguish that accompanies severe injuries.

At Stewart J, Guss, Personal Injury Attorneys, we use that information to shape your injury claim and help you get the full compensation you deserve for the non-financial elements of your losses. 

Monroe Motorcycle Accidents: What You Need to Know

Monroe Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

After a Monroe motorcycle accident, you have up to a year to file a compensation claim. If you allow the statute of limitations to run out on your claim, the court may refuse to hear your case, which means you may not recover the compensation you deserve for those injuries.

By getting in touch with a lawyer as soon after your accident as possible, you will not miss out on filing a motorcycle accident claim and recovering fair compensation for those injuries. 

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Monroe

Motorcycle accidents can occur for many reasons, often due to negligent driver behavior.

  • Dangerous intersections. Many motorcycle riders find the intersection at 8th Street and Texas Avenue dangerous.
  • Distracted driving. Distracted drivers often fail to look out for motorcycle riders, leading to severe accidents.
  • Blind spot collisions. Many passenger vehicles have large blind spots that a motorcycle can easily fit into. Drivers who do not check their blind spots can cause accidents in the blink of an eye.
  • Dangerous weather. Monroe sees a high risk of tornadoes compared to the rest of Louisiana, much less the rest of the country. In dangerous weather conditions, Monroe motorcycle riders may have a higher risk of ending up injured. Rain and heavy wind can be more dangerous to motorcycle riders than passenger vehicle drivers. 
  • Speeding. High speeds in Monroe can increase the risk of a devastating accident with a motorcycle. Motorcycle riders may need help dealing with vehicles that press to higher speeds than necessary. 

Often, the passenger vehicle driver involved in an accident will bear liability for the incident, and the motorcycle rider will end up dealing with that driver's insurance company to pursue compensation for his injuries

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle accidents can end in a wide range of injuries.

  • Brain injury
  • Back and neck injuries, including spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Road rash and burns
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Internal bleeding

When you suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident because of the negligence of another party, you may deserve compensation for those injuries. At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we strive to help our clients recover reasonable compensation for their losses. 

Negotiating With the Insurance Company After a Monroe Motorcycle Accident

You suffered injuries in a Monroe motorcycle accident. Now, you have to pursue compensation through an injury claim. That usually means dealing with the liable driver's insurance company. 

Unfortunately, dealing with the insurance company after a motorcycle accident can prove challenging. Insurance companies often show extreme bias against motorcycle riders, acting as though they must have engaged in dangerous or reckless behavior that led to the accident and that, as a result, they should not receive fair compensation for their injuries.

They may also use other tactics, including trying to pressure you to accept a low settlement offer. If you accept that offer, you cannot return later and seek further compensation for your injuries.

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we know insurance companies and exactly how much frustration they can cause. We strive to help our clients deal with the insurance company more effectively, increasing the odds that you will recover just compensation for your struggles due to the covered driver's negligence. 

Protecting Yourself After a Monroe Motorcycle Accident

After a motorcycle accident, you may feel like you must go through a whirlwind of activity. You need medical care. You need to report the accident. You may have an early settlement offer from the insurance company long before you can review the losses you sustained in the accident.

Protecting your right to compensation quickly rises to the top of your priority list, especially as you realize how high those medical bills may grow.

  • Talk to a lawyer as soon after your accident as possible. Do not put off making that call. A delay could limit your ability to recover fair compensation for your losses. 
  • Let your lawyer handle the insurance company on your behalf.
  • Follow your medical care provider's instructions regarding your recovery.
  • Keep track of all medical bills in a dedicated location. 

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we strive to help our clients with every part of the claim process. We offer comprehensive advice designed to make recovering the compensation you deserve easier.

Monroe Motorcycle Accident FAQs

I Did Not Receive Medical Attention Immediately After My Monroe Motorcycle Accident Because I Did Not Realize I Had Suffered Serious Injuries. Can I Still File a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

You can file a motorcycle accident claim any time you suffer injuries due to the negligence of another party, even if you did not realize the extent of your injuries, and seek medical care at the time of the accident. Some injuries, like internal bleeding and even broken bones, may take time before you notice them. 

However, if you do not have medical records immediately after your accident, the insurance company may not believe the crash caused them.

Contact Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, as soon as possible so we can help fight for your rights. 

I Think the Driver That Hit Me in My Monroe Motorcycle Accident Was Drunk. Can That Help My Claim?

A drunk driver may bear liability for any accident caused by negligent behavior that often accompanies intoxication. If you have evidence that the other driver chose to drive while intoxicated, including a drunk driving ticket or conviction, you can use that to establish your right to compensation.

Talk to your attorney about the dangerous behavior the driver engaged in and how you believe it applies to your motorcycle accident claim to get a better idea of your rights and how a drunk driver may impact your claim.

I Did Not Have a Helmet at the Time of My Monroe Motorcycle Accident and Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury. Can I File a Claim?

Louisiana law notes that all motorcycle riders, including drivers and passengers, should wear helmets whenever they operate a motorcycle. If you ride without a helmet, you can sustain much more severe injuries, including a traumatic brain injury, neck injury, facial injury, or death. 

However, you may still file a claim even if you ride without a motorcycle helmet. Trust Guss and let Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, navigate the motorcycle accident claim process on your behalf. 

Contact Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys for Support in Your Monroe Motorcycle Accident Claim

Alexandria Personal Injury Lawyer
Monroe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Stewart J. Guss

Dealing with a motorcycle accident claim can prove incredibly stressful. At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we offer the support you need to navigate the complex claim process.

The Monroe personal injury lawyers of Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If a Monroe motorcycle accident injured you, call our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here.

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