Kenner Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Kenner, LA, offers gorgeous, scenic motorcycle rides, including some of the best rides in the greater New Orleans area. However, even as motorcycle riders flock to the area, they may face considerable risk from other drivers who fail to properly watch out for the needs of smaller, lighter bikes and their passengers. 

After a motorcycle accident, you need a Kenner motorcycle accident lawyer to explain your rights, deal with the insurance company, and fight for the compensation you deserve.

We are a national law firm with multiple offices around the country, including in Louisiana. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 800-898-4877, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Kenner Motorcycle Accident Guide

Trust Guss To
Get You Results!



Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys: Real Help for Kenner Motorcycle Accident Victims

A motorcycle accident can leave you reeling. Everyone has a different story of pain, struggle, and loss as they recover.

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we want to help make your story one of triumph as you recover fair compensation for the serious losses that occurred because of your motorcycle accident.

We Listen to and Prioritize Your Story

It may seem your story falls to the bottom of the list as you deal with your motorcycle accident claim. The insurance company does not want to listen. No matter how much information you share about your losses, you may need our help to get through to the adjuster.

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we take the time to listen to the details of your story. Then, we use that information as part of a comprehensive personal injury claim that clearly establishes the damages you sustained and why you deserve substantial compensation. 

We Help Make Sure You Triumph

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we have more than 20 years of experience helping clients nationwide fight for the compensation they deserve following severe injuries, including motorcycle accident injuries. We have helped more than 50,000 clients recover the damages they deserved for severe injuries. We aim to make sure that you triumph in your claim, too. 

Get in Touch Easily

It does not matter whether you live in the Kenner area or came to ride your motorcycle from across the country. We offer representation to clients nationwide at Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys. We have conveniently located offices within Louisiana you can visit, or we can schedule a virtual meeting that will allow you to connect with us from wherever you are.

Ready to get started with your claim? Contact Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys today. 

Compensation After a Kenner Motorcycle Accident: What You Can Expect

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we cannot guarantee the compensation you will recover for your Kenner motorcycle accident injuries. We can, however, look at all the damages you sustained because of the accident, which may make it easier for us to pursue that much-needed compensation for you.

Medical Costs

The medical bills from a Kenner motorcycle accident can mount quickly.

Because motorcycles offer relatively little protection from an accident, riders often sustain severe injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Burns and severe road rash
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Internal bleeding

You may end up needing emergency transportation away from the site of the accident as well as care in the emergency room. Care for your injuries will often continue long after the initial incident. You may spend weeks or months in the hospital and undergo months of physical or occupational therapy. Talk to your lawyer about the medical costs you experienced and how you can include them in a comprehensive injury claim after a Kenner motorcycle accident.

Lost Income

Missing out on income during your motorcycle accident recovery can prove financially devastating. Depending on where you work, including your employer's policies and the job duties you usually take, you can miss out on months of work in the aftermath of your accident. 

Talk to your lawyer about the time you had to miss:

  • Right after the accident
  • Due to reduced hours while you recovered
  • For follow-up procedures and appointments

Furthermore, discuss with your attorney whether your doctor thinks you cannot return to work in your former field after recovering from your accident.

Pain and Suffering

Motorcycle accident injuries frequently involve substantial pain and suffering. You can have a long road to recovery and may miss out on several activities you once enjoyed, including riding your motorcycle. Furthermore, many motorcycle accident victims struggle with the loss of independence that can accompany those injuries. Talk to your lawyer about your suffering and how to include it in your claim.

Understanding Kenner Motorcycle Accidents

Kenner Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

After a Kenner motorcycle accident, you have up to one year from the accident date to file a claim. If you allow more than a year to pass after the accident, the court may refuse to hear your claim, preventing you from recovering compensation for your injuries. You should not, however, wait for a year to contact a Kenner personal injury lawyer since waiting to get in touch could make it more difficult for your lawyer to collect essential evidence and establish your right to file a claim. 

How Do Motorcycle Accidents Occur in Kenner?

Motorcycle accidents often occur as a result of driver negligence. Distracted drivers, for example, may not look twice before they move over or accelerate, causing them to completely miss the presence of a motorcycle.

Motorcycle accidents in Kenner also occur because of:

  • Busy or dangerous intersections, like the ones along Veterans Memorial Boulevard or the intersection of West Esplanade Ave and East Loyola Drive. Dangerous intersections raise the risk for all drivers. 
  • Dangerous weather. Kenner sees a considerable risk of dangerous storms each year that can raise the danger for motorcycle riders and others on the road. Heavy wind may throw motorcycles around more, and riders may have more trouble operating safely in heavy rain. 
  • Blind spot accidents. Vehicles with large blind spots may make it very difficult to see motorcycles, raising the risk of a collision

After a motorcycle accident, the injured rider may need to pursue compensation through the liable driver's insurance policy. 

Fighting the Insurance Company After a Kenner Motorcycle Accident: How Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, Can Help You

After a motorcycle accident, you might deal with a tough insurance company that does not want to help you. The insurance agent may prove unreasonably biased against motorcycle riders, accusing you of causing the accident yourself. You may have to fight to get your injuries acknowledged or prove that the other driver did cause your accident.

Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, can help make the claim process easier.

We have the resources needed to take on even the big names in auto insurance. So, whether you find yourself up against Geico, Allstate, or Progressive, you can feel confident that you have an experienced legal team. Furthermore, we ensure that you understand the compensation you deserve, decreasing the odds that you will accept a settlement offer that does not include fair compensation for your losses. 

How Can You Protect Yourself Following a Kenner Motorcycle Accident?

Many people wonder what to do next after a motorcycle accident, including how they can best protect themselves.

To protect your right to compensation to end your claim justly:

  • Do not contact the liable driver's insurance company directly or accept any settlement offer before contacting an attorney. Instead, let your lawyer handle those interactions for you.
  • Bring an attorney on board as soon after your accident as possible. The sooner you have an attorney working on your behalf, the better your claim may run. 
  • Keep track of your medical costs. Start a record of all medical bills, including copay and deductible amounts you must take care of upfront. 
  • Follow the instructions your medical care provider gives you regarding your recovery. Avoid any activities that could worsen your injuries, attend necessary appointments, and keep up with any therapy or exercises you need to perform to raise your odds of a full recovery.
  • Document your struggles. Write about your physical and emotional losses and difficulties so that you have a record you can point to later. 

At Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, we strive to help our clients manage the entire claim process. We provide ongoing support that our clients can count on, including comprehensive advice regarding managing every element of your claim.

Kenner Motorcycle Accident FAQs

I Did Not Have My Motorcycle Helmet at the Time of My Kenner Motorcycle Accident. Can I Still File a Claim?

Louisiana law dictates that motorcycle riders wear helmets when they take to the road, whether in the driver's or passenger's seats. Failure to wear a motorcycle helmet can result in severe injury, including an increased risk of traumatic brain injury, neck injury, and facial injuries.

However, that does not mean you cannot file a motorcycle accident claim when you suffer injuries without a helmet.

Contact Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, to discuss your right to compensation when involved in a motorcycle accident without a helmet. 

The Insurance Company Keeps Trying To Insist That I Caused or Contributed to My Kenner Motorcycle Accident. What Should I Do?

Dealing with the insurance company after a Kenner motorcycle accident can frustrate you. Insurance companies may have an intrinsic bias against motorcycle riders that can make it more difficult for you to get reasonable compensation for your losses. 

Working with Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys can alleviate the stress of dealing with the insurance company. You will feel more confident about the outcome of your claim.

Let us take on the negotiation for you so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries. We will investigate your accident and get all the details so we can more clearly show that the other driver caused your accident and that, as a result, you deserve compensation from the insurance company. 

How Does MedPay Insurance Affect My Kenner Motorcycle Accident Claim? 

Louisiana insurance companies may offer MedPay or Medical Payments insurance, providing financial assistance if you suffer injuries in a motorcycle accident. MedPay insurance offers no-fault coverage, which means you can claim vital compensation even when someone else's negligence caused your motorcycle accident. 

In many cases, you will not need to pursue compensation for injuries from a motorcycle accident until you exceed your MedPay coverage. However, you may still have the right to pursue compensation for other elements of your claim, including lost income and pain and suffering. Talk to an attorney about your insurance coverage and how to use it to your full advantage when dealing with your Kenner motorcycle accident claim.

Get a Kenner Motorcycle Accident Lawyer to Help With Your Claim

Alexandria Personal Injury Lawyer
Kenner Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Stewart J. Guss

When you suffer serious injuries in a motorcycle accident in Kenner, you do not want to deal with your claim alone. Let Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys take on those challenges. We can seek information about your accident, fight with the insurance company on your behalf, and increase the odds that you will recover just compensation for your motorcycle accident damages.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If a Kenner motorcycle accident injured you, call our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by clicking here.

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"He IS an outstanding lawyer! I was nervous about seeking legal help due to all the bad jokes made at…"
Patricia M.
"Working with Mr. Guss was my first experience hiring an attorney on my own, but I could not have been…"
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