​Kenner Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a car accident, you should not take any chances. You are already dealing with enough, and you cannot afford to do anything that you place your possible financial compensation at risk. Nothing in the law automatically entitles you to a settlement check. Your check only comes after you prove that someone else caused the accident, and you negotiate financial compensation.

Do not assume that any insurance company is your friend. When dealing with them, you need an experienced and passionate advocate who is here to look out for you. That is what we do at Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys. Call our Kenner car accident lawyers today to discuss your case in a free initial consultation.

We are a national law firm with multiple offices around the country. We also work with affiliate law firms in most states that share our focus and dedication to excellence. No matter where you are located, we may be able to help you, so call or contact us now. We are open, for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 866-935-1455, or you may contact us now by clicking here to submit your case for review.

Car Accidents in Kenner,

Make no mistake – Louisiana is not a safe state in which to drive. A recent survey found that the state ranks as the ninth most dangerous in the country to motorists. The state has a higher-than-average fatality rate. There are also high rates of drunk and reckless driving.

The dangers in the Kenner have been growing far worse in recent years. Many drivers seem to care less about the safety and welfare of others. They try to get where they want to go when they want to get there. In the meantime, they put drivers and their passengers at elevated risk of suffering severe injury.

Car accidents and serious injuries are always possible, whether you are on I-10, heading to the historic Rivertown District, or commuting to work in the city.

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Common Car Accident Injuries

Thankfully, some car accidents will only result in property damage (and you will still need to negotiate to cover that entirely). Others are not as fortunate to walk away unscathed.

Here are some common car accident injuries:

  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Internal injuries and organ damage
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries

Your injuries are more than just the physical harm that you have suffered. Suffering an injury in a car accident is an entire experience that can last for years into the future – and even for the rest of your life.

You have the legal right to compensation for all of your injuries.

Types of Car Accidents

Here are some of the common types of car accidents that injure people on Kenner roads:

  • Rear-end crashes: The rear driver fails to see a driver stopped in front of them, or they do not allow enough distance to stop. Rear-end crashes are dangerous because the front driver can suffer whiplash. The force of the crash causes the head to snap forward while the rest of the body remains still. Whiplash can cause lasting head or neck injuries or even traumatic brain injuries.
  • Sideswipe accidents: Crashes often happen when one driver makes an illegal turn or lane change. The most common cause of a sideswipe accident is one driver’s inattention. Either they were distracted or did not properly check their blind spot when they changed lanes. Sideswipe accidents can cause one or both drivers to lose control of their car and strike another vehicle or a guard rail.
  • T-bone accidents occur when one car fails to yield the right of way. One driver will strike the other on the side of the car. T-bone crashes can lead to serious injury for the driver who hits the other car (because it is similar to a head-on crash) and the driver who was hit.
  • Head-on crashes are the most dangerous because of the force unleashed and the probability that a driver will slam into an airbag or other part of the car. These crashes happen when one driver ends up in the wrong lane because they are not paying attention or are intoxicated.

How You Can Get Financial Compensation After a Car Accident

You will not automatically get a check when you have suffered an injury in a car accident. You have a lot of work to do before your settlement check hits your bank account.

In most cases, you must go through an insurance company (or even two) before successfully settling your claim.

Assuming the other driver had car insurance, you will likely file a claim against them. You may have suffered an injury in an accident with an underinsured driver. Then, you will need to file a claim against your policy. Your insurance company can and will be every bit as bad because they are motivated by the same thing – money.

Before you can even talk dollars with an insurance company, you must prove you deserve money. You can only win a car accident case when you show someone else was negligent.

In every personal injury case, negligence means:

  • Someone else owed you a duty of care.
  • That person breached the duty of care by doing something that a reasonable person should not have done.
  • You suffered an injury.
  • You would not have suffered an injury without the other driver’s actions (or omissions).

You must meet your burden of proof to show that someone else was negligent. You have to come to the table with evidence that shows what the other driver did, so it can demonstrate that they failed to live up to their duty of care.

Examples of Negligence in a Car Accident

You may wonder about what a reasonable person does. You may have heard of the negligence test and wonder to whom you are comparing the reasonable person.

The reasonable person is not perfect, but they:

  • Travel above the speed limit or at an excessive speed for conditions.
  • Switch lanes without signaling or thoroughly checking their blind spot.
  • Drive while distracted by texting or doing something else that takes their attention.
  • Fail to follow directions on traffic signs.
  • Follow cars in front of them too closely, increasing the risk of a rear-end car accident.
  • Drive recklessly, or get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Mistakes that People Make in a Car Accident

​Kenner Car Accident Lawyer

While lawyers always tell you about what you should do after a car accident, a successful case is every bit about what you should not do. There are inevitable mistakes that you can make that can cost you money. Once you have made an error, it is hard to undo it. The insurance company keeps a record and will not hesitate to use everything it can against you.

After a Kenner car accident, avoid:

  • Waiting too long to hire an attorney after an accident – the longer you go without legal help, the more your legal rights can be at risk.
  • Not getting timely medical care and following the doctor’s recommendations – if you do not tend to your health diligently, the insurance company may try to cut the size of your settlement check.
  • Trusting the insurance company to be fair with you – the insurance company is out for their financial interests, and they view your case as a way for them to save money.
  • Speaking to the insurance company – just like you hear in a court case, anything you say can and will be used against you.

Hiring an experienced car accident lawyer is a way to avoid making a mistake because they will handle the details and deal with the insurance company.

Your Compensation After a Car Accident

Like any personal injury case, the person responsible for your damages must make you whole. You deserve much more than just the actual money that you lost when you suffered an injury.

Your car accident damages break into two categories:

  • Economic damages pay you for the money you have to spend on account of your injuries and money you can not make. These damages are primarily medical costs and lost income. You also have the right to coverage for damage to your car.
  • Non-economic damages are much more subjective. They compensate you for the experience and loss of quality of life you suffered after your accident. The largest part of non-economic damages is pain and suffering.

Although you have the right to full damages after your car accident, you determine your compensation through an agreement with the insurance company. If you do not fight for what you deserve, the insurer will happily give you less money. That is the textbook definition of a big win for the insurance company.

Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys work hard to get every dollar you are due. That is a big win in our books.

Why Time Is Important After a Kenner Car Accident

Louisiana has one of the shortest statutes of limitations in the entire country. In most states, missing the statute of limitations is not a real danger – in Louisiana, it is. You only have one year from your injury to file a lawsuit. If you miss this deadline, you will lose the right to financial compensation entirely.

You have a lot to do in a short period. Not only does your attorney need to gather evidence and prepare the claim, but they may also need to negotiate with the insurance company. Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking. The statute of limitations still runs, even if you are amid settlement negotiations with the insurance company.

What you can do to help your case is call Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys today to start the legal process.

The Advantages of Having a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Some people briefly consider trying to handle their cases on their own. They hear that lawyers work on a contingency basis but do not want to pay a portion of their settlement to an attorney. As professionals with experience with insurance companies, we can firmly advise against that. We say this because you will do better financially, even after you pay us for our services (You only owe us any money if you win your case, and you owe us nothing if you do not receive a settlement or jury award).

Your lawyer wears many hats in a car accident case. The most important hat they wear is looking out for you. If you do not have an attorney, the insurance company will prey on you to the fullest extent possible.

In the meantime, your lawyer will handle all the details of your car accident case from beginning to end. You do not have the experience or the ability to do these things on your own.

For example, you may not have the skill or time to investigate your car accident. Without key evidence, you will lose the ability to prove your case. Then, you can end up empty-handed entirely. In addition, our lawyers know how much your case is worth, and we will firmly stand up for you in settlement negotiations.

Contact a Kenner Car Accident Lawyer Today

There is no if when talking about your need for legal help after a car accident. The question is more when you need a Kenner injury attorney – and that is right after your car accident. When you or a family member does call an attorney, Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys are ready, willing, and can assist you. The ultimate goal is a reasonable settlement, and we dedicate ourselves to helping you achieve that.

When you call Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys, you do not have to worry about upfront costs or dealing with the legal process. We aim to make your claim as stress-free and successful as possible for you and your family.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss Personal Injury Attorneys is nationally recognized for protecting the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If a Kenner car accident injured you, call our office right now for a free consultation! Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a dime unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 866-935-1455 or contact us now by clicking here.