Houston Lyft Accident Attorney

Helping Lyft Car Accident Victims in Houston, Texas, Recover Monetary Compensation in Personal Injury Cases

Lyft Accident Attorney Houston

Will Lyft's $1 million umbrella liability policy cover your injuries and damages? 

Our Houston Lyft Accident attorneys can answer this question and more when you come in for a FREE consultation. We make it easy to get the answers you need after suffering an injury in a Houston Lyft Accident.

With a Houston Lyft accident lawyer on your side, you will recover significantly more money than on your own. Don't delay - call our law firm today for a FREE initial consultation.

We can answer all your questions and help you explore your legal options easily.

Our attorneys will strive to put you in the best possible legal position to recover fair and just monetary compensation and damages in your accident case.

Why Choose Our Houston Lyft Accident Lawyers?

Houston Lyft Accident Lawyer

Choosing a Houston Lyft Accident Lawyer is the best way to level the playing field.

When you choose our law firm, you can rest easier knowing you have a team of experienced Houston Personal Injury attorneys on your side. We know how to fight the large Lyft insurance companies and we are not afraid to go head-to-head with them for our injured clients.

Our intake department is available for your free consultation, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (800) 898-4877, or contact us now by CLICKING HERE.

Houston Lyft Accident Lawyer

Houston Lyft Accidents

Houston residents and visitors alike are increasingly turning to popular ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft for all of their travel needs. In fact, Lyft is a popular rideshare option for many across Harris County. Even the Texas Department of Transportation partnered with Lyft to offer ride credits to help reduce the number of Houston drunk driving accidents.

With the increased number of Lyft riders, however, comes the possibility of Lyft accidents. Collisions involving Lyft vehicles can bring about serious injuries to Lyft passengers, as well as other motor vehicle drivers and passengers who are traveling on the roadway. Those injuries may include soft tissue injuries, bone fractures, as well as more serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, spinal cord injuries, and even death, in the worst cases.

Lyft accident cases can also prove difficult to settle and litigate. Unlike other car accident cases, pursuing monetary recovery in Lyft cases is not as simple as filing a claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Instead, you will need to overcome other, more complicated legal and procedural hurdles.

The legal team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, is experienced with handling Houston Lyft accidents, as well as other accidents that involve rideshare vehicles (such as Houston Uber accidents) and other  common carriers. Our knowledgeable attorneys can properly file your claim or lawsuit against the right parties and seek all available insurance coverage.

How Will a Houston Lyft Accident Lawyer Help Me?

After a Lyft accident in Houston, injured accident victims often face a long and uphill battle seeking compensation. Lyft has large insurance companies and legal teams on their side who work diligently to reduce the company's liabilities. So, even thought they have a $1 million liability insurance policy that might apply, chances are you'll have to fight to obtain the money you deserve.

You should never go against Lyft and their insurance companies alone. This is where our experienced Houston Lyft accident lawyers can help.

For over 20 years, the accident injury lawyers at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers have provided compassionate and aggressive legal support for injured Houston accident survivors and their families. When you choose us to represent you after a Lyft accident,  we will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation to uncover all liable parties
  • Clearly establish liability and determine who is to blame
  • Seek compensation from all liable parties, including the Lyft driver, Lyft's insurance provider, and other negligent drivers
  • Work with experts and medical teams to accurately determine the value of your injuries and damages
  • Handle all negotiations with insurance companies
  • Fight aggressively to ensure that you receive maximum compensation

How Much Time Do I Have to File a Houston Lyft Accident Claim?

Motor vehicle collisions involving Lyft vehicles are subject to the same statute of limitations as all other motor vehicle accident cases. In Texas, an individual claiming personal injuries must file a claim or lawsuit within two years of the date of the accident. This means that absent extreme circumstances (such as being underage or suffering from some other disability at the time of the accident), victims must always file a claim or lawsuit within this time period-or the injured accident victim will lose the ability to seek monetary compensation.

The skilled legal team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, can file a claim or a lawsuit on your behalf in a timely manner, thereby setting the stage for obtaining monetary compensation for your case.

How Do Houston Lyft Accidents Occur?Houston Lyft Accident

Unfortunately, Houston Lyft drivers are often preoccupied while they operate their vehicles. Some Lyft drivers are more concerned about where their next fare is coming from, rather than paying attention to the road. As a result, they constantly look at their cell phone apps and route their GPS devices while they operate their vehicles. These distractions can set the stage for serious motor vehicle accidents.

Other common causes of Houston Lyft car accidents include:

  • Failing to follow traffic laws and other rules of the road - This can include running red lights or stop signs to arrive at the next destination sooner, or breaking speed limits to increase the number of fares a driver can transport in a given time period.
  • Weaving in and out of traffic - Lyft drivers sometimes try to weave in and out of busy traffic-especially on high-speed motorways-with the hope of collecting as many fares and making as much money as possible. However, such reckless and careless driving poses a significant hazard for everyone else on the roadway at that time.
  • Operating a motor vehicle after using drugs or alcohol - Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is both illegal and irresponsible. This is true even if the offending driver is not found guilty or ultimately convicted of driving while intoxicated-or DWI. Although Uber and Lyft drivers who are charged or convicted of DWI may permanently lose their jobs driving for Uber or Lyft, they may already have done significant damage in the form of a motor vehicle accident or injuries.

If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident that you believe was caused by a Lyft driver’s negligence, the Houston legal team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, may help. Our skilled lawyers and legal professionals can investigate your accident, determine the cause, and take legal action against the responsible person or entity. In a nutshell, common carrier accidents are all about holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions and inactions.

What Should You Do After a Houston Lyft Accident?

Regardless of whether you believe you sustained injuries, always do the following after a Lyft car accident-or any car accident, for that matter:

Call the police and paramedics to the scene - A police officer can discuss how the accident happened and can prepare a police report-a potentially crucial piece of evidence in the event your Lyft accident case is litigated through the court system or tried in court.

Seek medical attention - Following your involvement in a Lyft accident, always seek medical attention at a hospital or urgent care center for any injuries and damages you may have sustained. An emergency room or urgent care doctor or nurse can complete the necessary medical documentation to show that the accident injured you. This can protect you if Lyft’s insurance company disputes your claim later on.

Speak to witnesses at the scene - If you remain mobile at the accident scene, obtain contact information from any eyewitnesses to the accident and discuss with them what they observed at the time of the accident.

Call a Lyft car accident lawyer - The Lyft car accident lawyers at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, may represent you throughout your case and take legal action on your behalf. While you undergo medical treatments in order to recover from the injuries you sustained in your accident, our lawyers can begin preparing your case, and pursue just and fair monetary recovery on your behalf.

How Are Houston Lyft Accidents Different From Other Car Accidents?

Car accidents in Houston involving Lyft vehicles are different from other types of motor vehicle accidents. For starters, if you are in a Lyft accident, you may need to do more than simply file a claim or lawsuit directly against the Lyft driver who caused the accident-or against your own insurance company. Potential legal problems with these accidents include:

  • Your own insurance company may not provide coverage for injuries you sustained while you rode in a Lyft vehicle.
  • The Lyft vehicle driver’s insurance company may not cover the time when the accident occurred (that is, when the driver was on the job).

Lyft accidents are further complicated because ridesharing is a fairly new concept, and few legal case precedents offer answers to difficult insurance coverage questions. Fortunately, however, you may still pursue monetary compensation directly from Lyft, or Lyft’s insurance company, in some cases.

The Lyft car accident lawyers and legal professionals at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, understand the difficulties presented by ridesharing accident cases. Our attorneys are ready to pursue every potential legal avenue of recovery on your behalf.

Available Insurance Coverage From Lyft

Fortunately, ridesharing companies like Lyft and Uber offer insurance coverage for the benefit of injured accident victims. This coverage may come into play when a Lyft driver negligently causes a collision with another motor vehicle, bringing about serious injuries and damages. Although the applicable insurance policy limits are similar for both Lyft and Uber, you will find slight differences.

Under Lyft’s insurance policy, the Lyft driver’s personal automobile insurer provides coverage in the event their driver causes a motor vehicle accident while not online communicating with fares or potential fares. Similarly, the Lyft driver’s personal automobile insurer provides coverage if the driver is in the process of engaging a fare via the online app and negligently causes a motor vehicle accident at that time.

Assuming that the driver’s own insurer refuses to provide coverage for the motor vehicle accident, then Lyft’s insurance coverage comes into play. Under those circumstances, Lyft’s policy limits are:

  • $100,000 of coverage per accident
  • $50,000 of coverage per person
  • $25,000 of coverage for property damage sustained in the accident

Lyft also has a $1 million insurance policy in place for bodily injury coverage, as well as uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This policy covers the period from when the Lyft driver picks up a fare and lasts until the driver drops the fare off at the final destination.

The experienced Lyft accident lawyers and legal professionals at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, can help you determine which insurance policies may apply to your case. Our seasoned legal team can then set about recovering the monetary compensation for your medical injuries that you need and deserve.

How Much is My Houston Lyft Accident Worth?

Injured Houston Lyft accident victims can suffer from a wide range of injuries and damages. The value of their case will depend largely on many factors, including the severity of their injuries, the responsible parties, insurance policy limits, and the long-term damage or disabilities suffered.  Not only do accident victims often require medical treatments, but injuries they sustain in the accident may also force them to miss significant time from work.

Lyft accident victims may qualify to recover both economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages cover costs that dollars and cents can exactly measure. Those costs may include both medical bills and lost wages. An accident victim can still recover compensation for medical bills and other medical expenses even if a private health insurer (including Medicare or Medicaid) pays for some or all of the medical treatments.

Noneconomic damages, on the other hand, compensate accident victims for non-tangible damages that dollars and cents cannot exactly measures. These may include monetary compensation for all of the pain, suffering, and inconvenience associated with the accident. Noneconomic damages may also compensate an accident victim for related mental anguish and emotional distress resulting from injuries sustained in the accident. Finally, an accident victim may recover monetary damages for lost quality of life due to injuries sustained in the accident.

The Houston legal team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, makes their goal to obtain as much monetary compensation as possible on behalf of their clients. Our attorneys and legal professionals will do everything in their power to obtain full and fair compensation for everything that you went through.

Houston Lyft Accident FAQ

Lyft and other rideshare platforms have changed how countless Texans commute to work, school, the airport, social outings, and many other places. While their convenience is unmatched for the price, Lyft has some downsides. One of them is that rideshares increase accident rates for many reasons. For example, Lyft drivers are distracted, in a hurry, and unfamiliar with many of the areas they drive. The result is innocent parties sustain injuries, and some of them fatally.

If you were in an accident with a Lyft driver, whether as their passenger, a passenger in another vehicle, or some other way, you deserve justice. You also likely have many questions and concerns. Read through our FAQ and give us a call today to learn more about how Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, can represent your claim.

What Does Lyft Require of Its Drivers?

Many argue that rideshare applications aren’t strict enough when hiring drivers. They may hire accident-prone, inexperienced, or careless drivers or those with substance abuse issues. These factors all increase the risk of a serious or even deadly accident.

Here is what Lyft requires of its drivers in Texas:

  • A valid driver’s license-including temporary or out-of-state licenses
  • Be at least 25 years of age
  • Pass a driver screening, which assesses driving history and criminal background check

Background Check Disqualifications

Lyft evaluates driver applicant background check results to determine driver eligibility.

Applicants cannot drive on the Lyft platform if their background check reveals that they are listed on the National Sex Offender Registry database or have a conviction for:

  • A sexual offense-including rape, sexual assault, or child pornography
  • An act of terror
  • A disqualifying violent crime-including homicide, kidnapping, human trafficking, arson, burglary, carjacking, robbery, or aggravated assault
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the previous seven years. (The lookback period varies by regional jurisdictions.)
  • A disqualifying fraud-related offense in the previous seven years. (The lookback period varies by regional jurisdictions.)
  • Certain property damage or theft offenses in the past seven years. (The lookback period varies by regional jurisdictions.)
  • A disqualifying drug-related offense in the previous seven years. (The lookback period varies by regional jurisdictions.)

Lyft requires an up-to-date background check for drivers to stay on the platform. Their website states that they conduct constant criminal and driving record monitoring of active drivers. It also says that they reserve the right to disqualify a driver at any time if their background check reveals any disqualifying offenses.

DMV Check Disqualifications

All U.S. Lyft driver applicants must undergo a driving record check run by a third-party company, Safety Holdings, Inc.

Lyft sets its own internal safety criteria and may disqualify any applicant whose driving record reveals:

  • A minimum of four moving violations in the last three years-for example, accidents or traffic light violations
  • A DUI or other drug-related driving violation in the last seven years (lookback period varies by regional jurisdictions)
  • One major moving violation in the previous three years-including driving on a suspended license or reckless driving
  • A serious driving-related conviction in the last seven years-for example, a hit-and-run or a felony involving a motor vehicle

Lyft also enrolls its active drivers into DMV record continuous monitoring, notifying them of any new violations. In addition, their website states that they reserve the right to disqualify a driver at any time, should their driving record reveal any disqualifying information or for any other safety-related reason.

Lyft drivers also must have a personal auto insurance policy that meets minimum state coverage requirements. Texas only requires liability coverage.

The minimum required coverage is:

  • $30,000 for injuries per person, up to $60,000 per accident
  • $25,000 for property damage

This is commonly called 30/60/25 coverage.

Is Lyft Liable When Its Drivers Cause Accidents?

Whether Lyft’s insurance policy covers motor vehicle accidents caused by Lyft drivers depends on what the driver was doing when the accident occurred.

Consider these scenarios:

  • If the app is off, Lyft won’t provide any coverage.
  • If a Lyft driver hit you when they were not on the app and actively transporting or seeking to transport riders, you need to file a claim on the drivers’ auto insurance policy.
  • If the app is on and the driver is waiting for a rider or is on their way to pick one up, Lyft provides $50,000 in bodily injury, $25,000 in property damage, and $100,000 per accident in coverage (only if the driver’s insurance does not cover victims’ losses).
  • If the driver is in the process of providing a ride, Lyft provides $1 million in third-party coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury, contingent comprehensive & collision up to the actual cash value of the car ($2,500 deductible).

Can You Sue Lyft?

Accidents involving rideshare drivers are often complex. There’s typically no blanket answer as to whether or not an injured party can litigate a claim against the rideshare company. Lyft drivers are not technically Lyft employees. Instead, they are independent contractors. The status of their drivers makes it highly challenging to hold the rideshare company itself accountable for negligence. Lyft arranged their business this way partly to circumvent having to take responsibility for their drivers.

However, it’s possible to recover damages through Lyft’s liability insurance. For instance, if the company missed red flags on the driver’s record, that can support a claim for hiring negligence. Therefore, you need a Houston Lyft accident attorney on your side who can help find areas where Lyft or other parties might owe you for your damages.

Should You Accept an Early Settlement Offer?

After suffering injuries in a motor vehicle accident, you should focus on recovering from your physical and emotional trauma. Your health and well-being should come first. At the same time, your medical bills are beginning to come in, and you cannot work. If an insurance adjuster approaches you to settle your case, you may think this is for the best and be ready to say yes to just about any amount they offer you.

However, insurance companies only look out for themselves. They want to pay as little as they can on every claim they receive. They often accomplish this by offering small settlements to victims in severe financial need. They hope that you are desperate enough for money now that you will be willing to accept any amount they want to settle for, no matter how unfair it is.

Do not agree to any settlement they offer you until after you discuss your case at length with our experienced Houston Lyft accident attorneys.

Who Can File a Claim After a Houston Lyft Accident?

Rideshare accidents can hurt anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Parties with a claim after such an accident may include:

  • Lyft passengers
  • Passengers in other vehicles
  • Other motorists
  • Motorcyclists
  • Bicyclists
  • Pedestrians
  • Bystanders

You must file a claim against the party whose negligence caused the accident. It’s possible the Lyft driver wasn’t responsible for your accident or was only partially responsible. Suppose you file a lawsuit against a party who didn’t have any part in causing the accident. In that case, you won’t receive compensation for your injuries.

Our experienced Houston Lyft accident lawyers can help you determine who caused the accident and hold the right people or parties accountable.

How Long Do You Have to File a Claim?

The Texas personal injury statute of limitations can be found in Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code § 16.003. The statute of limitations states that any civil action for “personal injury,” which includes injuries resulting from rideshare accidents, must be filed “not later than two years after the day the cause of action accrues.”

As such, you have two years from the date of the accident that led to the injury to file your claim.

Under some circumstances, the deadline may vary-for instance, if your claim involves a government entity or a minor child who suffered injuries. Ensuring you file your claim on time, no matter what statute of limitation applies, starts with hiring a skilled Houston Lyft accident lawyer as soon as possible.

How Much is Your Houston Lyft Claim Accident Worth?

This is a common question asked by many injured parties. Your routine bills are stacking up, and your medical bills are also showing up in your mail. How will you make up for your lost wages and pay these additional, unexpected bills?

If successful, your Lyft accident claim will end in a settlement or a court award. You can use this to pay for these bills. If you can’t wait, you can discuss the possibility of medical liens and other potential financial options with your Houston Lyft accident attorney.

The value of every Lyft accident claim varies. Claims with more severe injuries and damages are worth more than those with minor or quick-healing injuries. When you meet with one of our seasoned Houston Lyft accident lawyers for your free, confidential consultation, they can give you an estimate of what your claim is worth.

You may seek damages or monetary compensation for:

  • Past and future medical expenses, including emergency room, surgery, medications, specialists, and therapy bills
  • Past and future lost income and wages
  • Property damage-such as to your vehicle or clothing, jewelry, or shoes in the accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Humiliation
  • Mental anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium

Why Do You Need an Attorney After a Lyft Accident?

There are countless reasons why having an attorney on your side after a Lyft or other rideshare accident can be beneficial.

The most obvious reasons are that a seasoned attorney can:

  • Investigate the cause of the accident
  • Interview witnesses
  • Determine who is at fault
  • Determine how much your case is worth
  • Research the applicable insurance policies
  • Draft demand letters on your behalf
  • Negotiate a full and fair settlement when possible
  • Litigate your claim if necessary to secure appropriate compensation for your injuries

At Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, our Houston Lyft accident attorneys have the knowledge and experience to negotiate and litigate complex recovery claims involving third-party liability. We are passionate about justice and are dedicated to demanding it for our clients by getting them the settlement they deserve.

In fact, we can take action on your behalf even when your case includes multiple challenges, such as:

  • Lyft failed to properly screen their driver for motor vehicle accident or moving violations history
  • Rideshare driver insurance coverage
  • Multiple insurance provider involvement

Additionally, state laws addressing ride-sharing services keep evolving. You can count on us to stay on top of recent legal developments and use them to our advantage whenever possible.

When Should You Contact a Houston Lyft Accident Lawyer?

It’s in your best interest to contact a Houston Lyft accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. Waiting too long can increase the chances of missing the filing deadline or having an insurance adjuster take advantage of you. The sooner you secure legal representation, the better your chances are of receiving full and fair compensation for your injuries.

Be sure you receive the immediate medical care you need, then make it a priority to contact our office. We will schedule you for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your accident and injuries. During this consultation, you can learn more about the services we provide and how we seek compensation for your damages on your behalf while you rest and recover. Reach out to us today.

Despite the convenience associated with Lyft, Uber, and other ridesharing services, the possibility of motor vehicle accidents persists, along with serious injuries and damages. As with all motor vehicle accidents, insurance companies are never on the side of the accident victim and are not interested in paying out damages in your case. In some instances, the insurance company may even go so far as to deny liability in your accident case, claiming that you are not entitled to recover damages.

Because the ridesharing companies’ insurers ar never on your side, never agree to provide a recorded statement to an insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters often use these statements as a means of denying liability or damages in motor vehicle accident cases.

If you were in an accident that a negligent Lyft driver caused, the lawyers at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, may represent you throughout your case and help you obtain full and fair monetary compensation for your injuries.

The legal team of Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, consists of nationally recognized car, rideshare, and Lyft accident lawyers who have protected the rights of injured victims for more than 20 years. If you were injured in a Lyft accident, call our office right now to schedule a free consultation! Because we take all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, you will not owe us a DIME unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today at 800-898-4877 or contact us now by CLICKING HERE.

Principal Office Houston

(855) 956-1990
12777 Jones Road, Suite 297
Houston, TX 77070

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"Mr. Guss was wonderful. He fought hard against the insurance company to get us what we deserved. I went from owing almost $5000 in medical bills to actually getting money in my pocket. Absolutely Amazing!!!!! A big thank you from me and my family!!!" -Karley B.