Tired Truck Drivers Put Us All at Risk

Tired Truck Drivers Put Us All at Risk There are an estimated 15.5 million commercial trucks on the road in the United States. With truck drivers paid by the mile – not by the hour – they face pressure to fit in as many miles as possible during their driving days. Tired truck drivers put both themselves and other drivers on the road at risk.

Tired Driving Is a Consistent Problem for Commercial Truck Drivers

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has issued tips for staying alert behind the wheel. Still, truckers continue to cause deadly accidents. Parents Against Tired Truckers was formed in 1994 after a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and killed four teenagers on the Maine Turnpike. The truck driver faced neither criminal charges nor a traffic ticket for his actions. This horrific story highlights the need for accountability – on the part of both individual truck drivers and the companies that employ them.

Motorcyclists Are at an Increased Risk

In any auto accident, a smaller vehicle will sustain more damage than a larger vehicle involved in the collision. Thus, heavy, fully loaded commercial trucks pose an even greater risk to motorcyclists. This problem is exacerbated by a commercial truck's blind spots, which are larger than the blind spots on a personal vehicle and therefore make it even more difficult for a truck driver to see a motorcyclist. Motorcyclists should exercise particular caution around commercial truck drivers. Allow more room for passing, and take added precautions to enable the truck driver to see you (such as flashing your headlights when appropriate).

Do Your Part!

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates there are at least 100,000 accidents reported every year that involve driver fatigue. Remember that every driver must be careful not to drive while tired. Staying alert behind the wheel can help you avoid tragedy on the road and the unpleasant consequences of being sued for negligent driving. Remember to follow the FMCSA's tips for staying alert behind the wheel. You should also report any dangerous drivers you observe on the road.

Contact an Experienced Houston Auto Accident Attorney Today

If you’ve been involved in an auto or truck accident involving a tired driver, the experienced team at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers can answer any questions you may have. Call 800-898-4877 to schedule your free consultation. We provide the personalized attention you need to get the compensation you deserve.https://www.truckinfo.net/trucking/stats.htmhttps://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/safety/driver-safety/cmv-driving-tips-driver-fatiguetrucksafety.org/