Motorcycle Accidents in Texas – an At-Fault State

Motorcycle Accidents in Texas – an At-Fault State

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident in Texas, you’re probably overwhelmed by the immensity of the situation. Texas is an at-fault insurance state, which means that the law of negligence governs your case. In other words, whoever caused or is at fault for your accident will be held accountable for the damages and injuries that you suffer. This is no time to take matters into your own hands, however; you need a skilled Texas personal injury attorney with experience handling motorcycle accidents to guide your case.

Your Insurance Requirement

Motorcyclists in Texas are required to carry their own insurance. If you have none and your case ends up going to trial, the court can take your lack of minimal insurance – Compulsory Liability Insurance – into consideration.

Negligent Drivers

Texas law protects you from negligent drivers. If you suffer damage and injury because of someone’s negligent driving, you are eligible to obtain compensation from that negligent driver. Additionally, that driver is liable for your medical bills and other accident-related expenses.

Your lost wages will also be factored into your compensation. If you’re unable to return to work for an extended period or are incapable of ever returning, your case is even more complicated and important to your future – and your damages should reflect this. Your damages can also be calibrated to include your pain and suffering and any disfigurement, scarring, or even loss of the ability to enjoy life.

Motorcycle accidents are often so traumatic that all these compensatory factors can be involved. It’s imperative that your legal team pinpoints exactly who is responsible for your accident and that they legally enforce payment.

Statute of Limitations

In Texas, the statute of limitations dictates that you must file a lawsuit within two years of your accident. Most reputable personal injury attorneys, however, will advise you to bring your claim as soon after your accident as possible. Often, time will erase memories, evidence, and momentum that surround your case. With time, it can become more and more difficult to recoup all your damages.

For a Free Consultation, Contact an Experienced Houston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, and at Stewart J. Guss, Injury Accident Lawyers, we understand how deeply such an accident can affect your life. Our legal team is here to help. We’ll begin by thoroughly evaluating your case, explaining your rights, and working with you closely through every step of the legal process. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a motorcycle accident, please don’t hesitate to discuss your case with a skilled motorcycle accident attorney at 800-898-4877 today.